Peter, Founder & CEO
From: Park Ridge, NJ
Favorite album: I love the fact that Green Day’s “Revolution Radio,” Thrice’s “To Be Everywhere is To Be Nowhere,” and Strung Out’s “Transmission.Alpha.Delta” are all recent albums that show the versatility and adaptability of punk rock music to continue to evolve and stay relevant in the music culture.
Favorite childhood movie: Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Something not many people know about you: I know the full dance to N’Sync’s “Bye Bye Bye.” (And no I don’t want to show you or talk about it).
Favorite book: There’s not a lot of down time around here to read, but I did have to opportunity recently to get through King of an Empire to the Shoes of a Misfit, by Myke Hideous and I would recommend it to anyone trying to make it in the music business.
Favorite quote: “Music is forever; music should grow and mature with you, following you right on up until you die”. ~Paul Simon

Lindsay, Vice
President & CFO
From: Pearl River, NY
Favorite album: It would be really hard to pick a favorite, but my first ever cd (I’m dating myself here) was “Smash” by The Offspring. I got it in 5th grade and since it was the only cd I owned, it got a lot of airplay. I know every second of that album by heart.
Favorite childhood movie: When I was a child, I mostly remember reading or being outside in the dirt. So no real favorite movie comes to mind, but my middle name, Anne, was chosen by my sisters from the movie “Annie” (their favorite at the time I was born).
Something not many people know about you: I can’t do a cartwheel for my life. I couldn’t do one as a kid, and it hasn’t gotten much better with time. (Probably because I can barely walk in a straight line.)
Favorite book: I am a crazy book nerd, spending most of my “free time” reading. I especially love Sci-Fi and Famtasy. I’m not sure if I could pick just one book, but I am in complete awe of the author Sarah J. Maas. To have written and accomplished so much, so quickly, and at such a young age, is mind-blowing to me. (And I love her books!)
Favorite quote: “The ranger could cross a rope bridge without handrails, could fire her bow with deadly accuracy atop a charging steed, could scramble up a tree in full chain armor, sword and shield in hand. But she could not, for all of her experience and agility, manage the fancy shoes that [she] had squeezed her feet into.” -R.A. Salvatore

Matthis, COO
& Vice President of Investments
From: Las Vegas, NV, presently Atlanta, GA
Favorite album(s): It’s a three way tie between Enema of the State by Blink 182, Smash by The
Offspring, and Significant Other by Limp Bizkit.
Favorite childhood movie(s): Liar Liar & Dumb and Dumber
Something not many people know about you: I have a collection of over 500 Tiggers.
Favorite book(s): Think & Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill & Mastery By Robert Greene
Favorite quote: “The Dream Is Free, But The Hustle Is Sold Separately.”

Executive Assistant
From: Sterling, VA
Favorite Album: Continuum by John Mayer
Favorite Childhood Movie: School of Rock
Something not many people know about you: My introduction to music was from my parents being in a band together from the time I was a toddler!
Favorite Book: Run, Rose, Run by Dolly Parton & James Patterson
Favorite Quote: “Pretty is as pretty does.”

From: New York, NY
Favorite Album: Back to Black by Amy Winehouse
Favorite Childhood Movie: The Royal Tenenbaums
Something not many people know about you: I’ve never lost an arm wrestle.
Favorite Book: Just Kids by Patti Smith
Favorite Quote: “One who knows, does not speak. One who speaks, does not know.” – Lao Tzu

Mike, Vice President
A&R and New Business Development
From: Garnerville, NY
Favorite Album: Define The Great Line – Underoath
Favorite Childhood Movie: Space Jam
What’s something not many people know about you: I’m the epitome of an adrenaline junkie.
Favorite book: Professional Idiot – Steve O’s Autobiography
Favorite quote: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

Alaina, A&R Executive
From: Philadelphia, PA
Favorite album: Hit Me Hard and Soft by Billie Eilish or There is Nothing Left to Lose by Foo Fighters
Favorite childhood movie: Mulan
Something not many people know about you: I did 5 sports growing up as well as 4 instruments.
Favorite book: Fourth Wing
Favorite quote: “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen

Bella, A&R Executive
From: Chicago, IL
Favorite album: 10,000 Days by TOOL
Favorite childhood movie: The Princess Bride
Something not many people know about you: I can do a solid Eddie Vedder Impression when I’m in the right headspace.
Favorite book: WWE Encyclopedia by Brian Shields
Favorite quote: “There’s always money in the banana stand.” – Jeffrey Tambor, Arrested Development

Lyndsi, A&R Executive
From: Savannah, GA
Favorite Album: Take Off Your Pants and Jacket – Blink-182
Favorite Childhood Movie: Jennifer’s Body
What’s something not many people know about you: I am allergic to dogs. I have three dogs (found out this allergy after) and refuse to part ways. *Alexa, play Ironic by Alanis Morissette*
Favorite Book: The entire Hunger Games Series
Favorite Quote: “A wounded deer leaps the highest.” – Emily Dickinson

Lawren, A&R Executive
From: Louisville, KY
Favorite Album: It Won’t Always Be Like This by Inhaler
Favorite Childhood Movie: Pitch Perfect
What’s something not many people know about you: I have a playlist that’s over 99 hours long (linked below).
Favorite Book: Normal People by Sally Rooney
Favorite Quote: “So Russell… what do you love about music? To begin with, everything.” – Almost Famous

Alex, A&R Executive
From: Temecula, CA
Favorite Album: The Wall – Pink Floyd
Favorite Childhood Movie: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
What’s something not many people know about you: I grew up for 6 years in Santiago, Chile.
Favorite Book: The Last Days of John Lennon – James Patterson
Favorite Quote: “I am the egg man, They are the egg men, I am the walrus. Goo goo g’joob” – John Lennon

Dante, A&R Executive
From: Boston, MA
Favorite Album: Relationship of Command by At The Drive-In
Favorite Childhood Movie: Cars
What’s something not many people know about you: I play drums in 4 different bands (at the time of writing this).
Favorite Book: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Favorite Quote: “Things happen, that’s all they ever do” – Taylor Goldsmith

Aubrey, A&R Executive
From: Chantilly, VA
Favorite Album: Del Water Gap by Del Water Gap
Favorite Childhood Movie: Narnia
What’s something not many people know about you: I’ve made almost 100 playlists on Spotify.
Favorite Book: Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Favorite Quote: “Yolo”

Daria, A&R Executive
From: Worcester, MA
Favorite Album: Awake by Dream Theatre
Favorite Childhood Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
What’s something not many people know about you: I was classical trained in Opera and at a time spoke 5 languages.
Favorite Book: Wicked/ Wizard of Oz.
Favorite Quote: “The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.”– Henry Ford

Paul, A&R Scout
From: Bergen County, NJ
Favorite Album: Dream Theatre “Awake”
Favorite Childhood Movie: Point Break (original)
What’s something not many people know about you: I ride BMX park…adrenaline junky.
Favorite Book: Cat in the Hat
Favorite Quote: “Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

Talent Agent
From: Chicago, IL
Favorite Album: I can’t just choose one favorite! I can switch up from bands like State Champs to Ice Nine Kills to 5 Seconds of Summer all in one sitting.
Favorite Childhood Movie: It’s a tie between any Spider-Man movie and Lilo and Stitch.
Something not many people know about you: My first tattoo was the rose on the cover of Chase Atlantic’s self-titled album. It’s about the size of my hand and has multiple meanings, such as family connection (my middle name is Rose after my grandma Rose) and just loving the band.
Favorite Book: The After Series by Anna Todd (yes, the One Direction fan-fiction).
Favorite Quote: “If you lower your standards hard enough, you’ll reach your dreams without stretching too hard.” – Awsten Knight, Waterparks

John, Producer | Engineer
Nada Recording
From: Montgomery, NY
Favorite album: Songs in the Attic by Billy Joel
Favorite childhood movie: The Goonies
Something not many people know about you: No one knows I love coin collecting/vintage BMX bikes/metal detecting.
Favorite book: I’ve read two books in my life. Huckleberry Finn and 20,000 Leagues Und the Sea. Out of those two I liked Huckleberry Finn. Lol.
Favorite quote: “My liiiiiiiiiifffffeee”

Eddie, Staff Engineer
From: Garwood, NJ
Favorite album: The Alchemy Index by Thrice
Favorite childhood movie: The Lion King / Monsters Inc.
Something not many people know about you: I play bass, guitar, and scream.
Favorite book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling.
Favorite quote: “I think, therefore I am.” Rene Descartes

Mia, Graphic Designer
From: New City, NY
Favorite album: One By One by Foo Fighters
Favorite childhood movie: Monsters, Inc.
Something not many people know about you: I have a playlist made up of soundtracks and songs from movies, which is currently 35 hours long and I can tell you what movie each song is from.
Favorite book: Ms. Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children
Favorite quote: “I decided the only thing better than being me, was getting paid to be me.” – Wallace Wells

Summer, Graphic Designer
From: North Carolina
Favorite album: Frank by Amy Winehouse
Favorite childhood movie: Wall-E
Something not many people know about you: My favorite season is Winter… ironically.
Favorite book: Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Favorite quote: “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

Hannah, Social Media Manager
From: Jamestown, NY
Favorite Album: It’s way too hard to chose, but I think my top 3 most listened to are Forward Motion Godyssey by Post Animal, This One’s For The Losers by Metaphor, and When I Think of You in a Castle by Post Animal.
Favorite Childhood Movie: I loved Shark Boy and Lava Girl
What’s something not many people know about you: As a baby my dad claims that I would not stop screaming and crying in the car unless he put on Led Zeppelin. I feel like that’s gotta be some type of foreshadowing.
Favorite book: I loved Percy Jackson as a kid!
Favorite quote: “All limitations are self-imposed.”

Social Media Manager
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Favorite Album: Hard to pick just one, so top 3 would be Channel Orange by Frank Ocean, Toxicity by System Of A Down, and In Utero by Nirvana
Favorite Childhood Movie: The Cat in the Hat
What’s something not many people know about you: I collect the wristbands for every music festival I go to. I probably have about 9.
Favorite Book: Fallout by Ellen Hopkins
Favorite Quote: “I’d rather be hated for who I am, then loved for who I am not.” – Kurt Cobain

Social Media Manager
From: Westchester, NY
Favorite Album: Currents, Tame Impala
Favorite Childhood Movie: Real Steele
What’s something not many people know about you: I have 50+ cousins
Favorite Book: The Outsiders
Favorite Quote: “No pressure no diamonds.”

Social Media Manager
From: Poughkeepsie, NY
Favorite Album: Core by Stone Temple Pilots
Favorite Childhood Movie: Shrek 2
What’s something not many people know about you: I am actually pretty good at playing jazz on trombone.
Favorite Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Favorite Quote: “Whatever your walk of life is, I think you have to be real about it.” -Eddie Vedder

Kayla, Publicist
From: San Diego, CA
Favorite Album: ‘O My Heart by Mother Mother
Favorite Childhood Movie: Robots
Something not many people know about you: I have an absurd obsession with the most recent Planet of the Apes franchise, I have seen each movie more times than I can count.
Favorite Book: You Will Be Mine by Natasha Preston
Favorite Quote: “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale

From: New Paltz, NY
Favorite album: Clancy by Twenty One Pilots, a newer album but gold. Listening to this band at a young age made me realize I wanted to be in the music industry.
Favorite childhood movie: Muppets (2011). A movie that makes me feel every emotion in the book.
Something not many people know about you: I changed my major 4 times in college, changed schools 3 times, and still got to beyond where I wanted to be.
Favorite book: The Woman In Me by Britney Spears
Favorite quote: “Anyone from anywhere can do anything” – Tyler Joseph

From: Perkasie, PA
Favorite album: Frank, Amy Winehouse
Favorite childhood movie: Alice in Wonderland
Something not many people know about you: I was a theatre kid and studied classical piano.
Favorite book: The Beautiful and Damned, F. Scott Fitzgerald
Favorite quote: “There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” ― Albert Schweitzer